Monday, October 4, 2010

Dive #5

Date: October 2, 2010
Time: 9:00 AM
Location: Galop Canal- Cardinal, Ontario, Canada
Type: drift dive, shore entry
Visibility: 30 ft
Air temp: 50ºF
Water temp: 64ºF
Max depth: 20 ft
Weight: 22 lbs.
Air used: 2200 psi/bar

Comments: Put in on an old lock gate. Made our way around the lock wall into the canal proper and promptly got tangled in some fishing line, stabbed myself with the hook about 7 times before I got free of it. Thankfully that was the worst part of the whole trip.
The current in the canal itself seemed stronger than the 1 knot I saw listed, but it could just be my inexperience. I do know it was strong enough for us to get caught in the eddy for a while, which completely messed up my navigation until I surfaceed to get my berings.

Saw some interesting fish: perch, smallmoth bass, a catfish, various kinds of sunfish. Also saw a strange looking fish I have yet to identify: it was approximately 18 inches long, round body with rounded fins, and seemed in the light to be sort of a periwinkle blue color, with no other distinguishing marks that I could see. Gonna have to get me an Audabon guide. This was dive #1 of the PADI Underwater Naturalist Adventure class.

The wrecks were pretty cool, but my dive flag kept getting tangled around them in places. Saw the Conestoga and the Wee Hawk.

View Galop Canal Drift in a larger map

BTD- 1:35
ToD- 0:45
Cum- 2:20

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