Saturday, November 20, 2010

Dive Computers

Nowadays, Dive Computer is to Dive Tables as Abacus is to Scientific Calculator. has a nice article for newbies on dive computers, features that are optional, and features that should are (or should be) absolutely required. Check it out here, check-it-outers.

The Dive Table lives on, but now a tiny microprocessing elf does the math for you.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Greenland Sharks in the St. Lawrence

Amazing video at this site of the Greenland Shark. Very cool, and more than a little bit scary considering how big these carnivores can get.

Money quote:
Their stomachs contained the remains of fish and mammals such as seals, deer, horses and bears. [An] entire reindeer, minus its antlers, was found in the stomach contents of [one].

Hey there beautiful, swim here often?